Monday, June 20, 2011

Full Blooming!

Well, it is that time of year here in Indiana - you know, those few short weeks where flowers are actually blooming before it gets TOO hot and everything is brown and shriveled!
For the gardener that is deep inside me, it is one of my favorite times to live here.
However, these days I have only been able to appreciate my gardens looking out a window in my very climate controlled house because it is manufacturing time in this house!

Higher Priorities include:
1. HUGE wholesale order going out to Cincinnati at the end of August. (yeah!!!! / gulp.)
2. Inventory for Terre Haute Block Party Art Festival at the end of August.
3. Inventory for Hot Glue Gun Girls Weekend in Corydon, IN in the beginning of September.

So, for now enjoy my full blooming garden and my growing pile of my "Full Blooms"!

A Nice Girl.

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